West MI Community Resources
Below is a list of websites of various organizations in the community promoting diversity and providing opportunities for community involvement and/or networking.
- Diversity in Grand Rapids
- Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony (ACEH)
- The Asian Center of West Michigan
- Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance (LEDA)
- GRACE (Grand Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism)
- Latino Americans United for Progress
- Allies for Change
General Networking
- LinkedUp Grand Rapids (LUGR) http://linkd.in/1fo2IFK
- Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence (GRAPE) http://grapegr.com
- GR Young Professionals (GRYP) http://www.gryp.org
- VistaPrint (free or cheap business cards) http://www.vistaprint.com/
International/Intercultural Connections
- The International Pavilion at the Goei Center http://thegoeicenter.com/
- Grand Valley State University’s Padnos International Center http://gar5.istanbulbuklet.com/pic/
- Headbloom Cross-Cultural Communication www.headbloom.com
- Feel Like You Belong (FLYB) talk show and website www.FeelLikeYouBelong.com
- Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of West Michigan (HCCWM) http://www.hccwm.org
- West Michigan Asian American Association (WMAAA) http://www.wm-aaa.org/
- Swedish American Heritage Society (SAHS/WM) http://sahswm.org
Institutes for Healing Racism
- Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce (GRACC) http://www.grandrapids.org/
- Grand Rapids Community College (Woodrick Institute) http://grcc.edu/officeofdiversityequityandinclusion/thebobandaleiciawoodrickcenterforequityandinclusion
- Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance (LEDA) http://www.ethnicdiversity.org
Other Multi-Cultural Connections
- Alliance for Cultural and Ethnic Harmony (ACEH) http://www.harmonyalliance.org
- Business Leaders Linked to Encourage New Directions (BL2END) http://www.grblend.org
- OutPro (LGBT professionals)
- Greater Grand Rapids Racial Equity Network: Randy Osmun [email protected]
- Gay-friendly churches: http://www.giftgr.org/resources